Friday, May 1, 2009



And now for the self-analysis. Firstly the biggest thing I had trouble with was trying to keep each of the sections truly delineated in their own syntax; that is not let my mind and my thoughts influence my reporting in say musical syntax by using more referential/emotional words. I found this also very hard to do in sound-in-time because I didn’t know when a word could be considered referential or possibly syntactical in a another realm such as “reverb” or “round”.
I believe if I had the full score, with all the instrumental parts charted out it could be helpful in figuring just what instrument was playing where and thus help illuminate why he may have chosen a French horn over a trumpet or an organ over a piano.
I must admit to the fact that no matter how hard I try, this Husserlian distancing will never truly work, and I feel that personal feelings associated with this song will always pervade my view of this work to some extent throughout this analysis. I feel that my feelings work against me from finding more possibly troubling problems in this piece. I would recommend to future analysts to do as much as possible without and background research on the band or the song as by reading others comments and views of this album, good or bad, as it may taint your initial feelings and reactions and analysis. After reading so much about why and how Brian is a genius and how beautiful this song and then going and say analyzing a score or lyrics I find myself also coming to similar conclusions and not knowing if this is genuinely something I would have found on my own or influenced by the fact that I read it.

Works Cited

"God Only Knows." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 16 Apr 2009, 19:07 UTC. 2 May 2009 <>.

"Musicians on Brian." Website. Brian Wilson Productions, 2009.

Panfile, Greg. "Mind of Brian I: God Only Knows". Website.

"Pet Sounds." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 28 Apr 2009, 21:07 UTC. 2 May 2009 <>.

Walsh, David. "Listening to Brian Wilson." World Socialist Web Site. Sept. 1, 2000.

Wilson, Brian and Tony Asher. "God Only Knows." Pet Sounds. Performed by the Beach Boys. Capitol Records, 1966.

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